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A Guide To LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads

Written by Caroline Blomqvist | 2021-08-19 09:38

Want to generate qualified leads at scale? Then LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads might just be the solution for you. Lead ads are perfect for generating leads that can be turned into conversions. Simply provide your target group with interesting content pieces and gather their information using LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads. This guide teaches you what you need to get started, and how to do it. 

What Is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting strangers into people that genuinely care for your offer – meaning leads. The overall goal of the process is to convert these leads into paying customers. This can be done by using LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads.

To clarify, a lead is a person who expresses interest in the products or services your business offers. This could be, for example, by downloading a piece of content, signing up for a newsletter, or answering a survey on your website. 

The Perks of Lead Gen Forms

LinkedIn’s audience has two times the buying power of the average web audience, which makes it a great place to market your offer through paid advertising. Also, the platform offers pre-filled out forms and professional demographic data, making it even easier to target the right audience and convert them into leads. 

Typically, leads are gathered by directing the audience to an external landing page, to collect their data via a form. What makes LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads very effective, is that potential leads don’t need to leave the platform in order to fill out a form. Instead, when a person clicks on your ads’ call-to-action (CTA), a native form will appear right there. The lead gen forms are customizable and are pre-filled with a prospect’s LinkedIn profile data. Even though filling out a form on an external page is a great way to generate high-quality leads, you will most likely lose the people that just heard about you or are only mildly interested in your offer. By not interrupting the user’s current activity and letting them fill out and submit the form without ever leaving the platform, they can feel more motivated to complete the form and continue with what they were doing afterward. All in all, LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads allow you to avoid the friction of a longer conversion path for the user.  

How To Launch a Lead Ad Generation Campaign on LinkedIn

  1. Start by logging into LinkedIn’s ad platform, Campaign Manager, and select the account and campaign group you would like to create a lead gen form for.
  2. Click on “Create campaign” and choose Lead Generation as your campaign objective. This allows you to attach a custom Lead Gen Form to your ad creative.
  3. Set up targeting, select ad format, and decide on a budget and how long you want the ad to run for.
  4. Create your first ad by clicking “Create new ad”.  Here, you’ll be able to create a new form or choose an existing one. 
  5. Click on “Launch Campaign”.

How To Integrate Your Lead Gen Form To a Third-Party System

Connect your LinkedIn Lead Gen Form to your marketing automation or CRM software to sync your contacts. When making changes to your form while in draft status, you need to make sure to make the same changes to the account, form, and field settings in your third-party system to ensure your leads sync successfully. However, each and every CRM software requires different actions to re-sync the forms. Read more and find the instructions for your system here.  

Or ask us for help! 

Now, you know what lead generation is, how LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads work, and how to create LinkedIn Lead Gen Campaign. In other words, you’ve got everything you need to get started. Choose your objective, add your form, and start generating qualified leads faster than ever!