It does probably not come as any surprise that the Swedes online shopping behavior has increased this year, too. In total, the online consumption in Sweden has increased by 16% compared to last year, which means that we have shopped online for approximately 310 billion Swedish crowns. So what do the Swedes spend the most money on? Traveling! This category makes up for the biggest part of the Swedish e-commerce. Flight tickets, train tickets, and hotel reservations make up 47% of the total online shopping. After traveling, goods make up 37% and services 16%. However, studies have shown that even though traveling almost makes up half of what Swedes spend online, the number of people purchasing for example flight tickets, has actually decreased. This could be due to environmental awareness and the climate debate that is going on. This resulted in 11% fewer Swedes buying flight tickets in 2019 compared to 2018.
The rapport shows that online shopping has increased overall ages and one can, therefore, say that e-commerce has become more of a routine for the Swedes. Statistics show that the younger generation makes up the biggest part of online consumption. However, the elder generation has adapted to the current digital market. So what is it that makes the Swedes let go of their grocery bags and turn to the digital landscape instead?
For that reason exactly, to not having to carry grocery bags, pushcarts or stand in line. Statistics have shown that 30% of the Swedes shop online to save time and because of the comfort. For 23% of the population, not having to run to different stores to compare prices is another reason why shopping has moved from physical stores to online.
Not only has e-commerce increased this year, but the amount of purchases that have been canceled has decreased with 40%. Why is that? Thanks to increased security and total prices that don’t surprise, the chance of someone canceling a purchase has reduced. The safe and comfortable procedure of purchasing online is positive for the Swedes, but less positive for physical stores. With an even broader offering online, the physical stores will have a hard time competing in the future.
To not get outperformed by the online stores, the physical stores have to adjust to the digital world, make it even easier for customers to shop and create memorable experiences every time.